Studio Profile

The Office of Kristian Bjørnard (OOKB) is a Baltimore, MD, USA based print, web, and letterpress studio formed by Kristian Bjørnard in 2005. Originally based in Minneapolis, MN, OOKB relocated to Baltimore in 2007. OOKB is staffed by Kristian along with a rotating cast of friends, grad-school colleagues, writers, photographers, remote programmers, and vagabonds. OOKB is currently looking for work designing books, book covers, and anything dealing with the greater concept of systems—oh, and dynamic (& preferably experimental) CMS-driven websites (we write clean code and are HTML, CSS, and Drupal wizards). Kristian is also available to lecture about Design + Sustainability.


We at the Office of Kristian Bjørnard are post-environmentalists—our goal is true sustainability, not just environmental sustainability. OOKB proposes a term for ourselves and any other followers of the new post-environmentalism: Sustainabilitists. For more on the thoughts, aims, and goals of Sustainabilitism read our Sustainabilitist manifesto.

Sustainability has many pragmatic, conceptual, and aesthetic implications to our society, economy, and environment. The Office of Kristian Bjørnard stays as current as possible with the trends, theories, and ideologies (ranging from the realistic to the fantastic) along with the practical design needs and production methods addressing the arena's all-encompassing nature. Solutions to the problems we encounter as a studio must be aesthetically pleasing, socially responsible, monetarily feasible, and environmentally inert. OOKB thus allows our designs, strategies, and methodologies to evolve and adapt as new ideas and information present themselves.

A paperless office?
OOKB is in the process of creating and implementing web-powered contract and project management tools to better serve ourselves (and our clients) in creating less day-to-day-business related ephemera.

Website Info

This site is built with a combination of HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, and Drupal
Hosted on carbon neutral servers by Sundays Energy
We'd also like to thank Kai Curry for his help customizing some Drupal functions


© The Office of Kristian Bjornard 2014

All work on this site is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license, unless otherwise noted by the clients for whom it was performed. Basically this means you can copy, distribute, and transmit the work—as well as to adapt it as you see fit—as long as you attribute it back to OOKB, and share new work using the pieces the same way. Read more about Creative Commons (and some other variations of it) here: